EAC Regional policy for Science, Technology and Innovation

I. Background
The East African Community (EAC) is a regional inter-governmental organization comprising the Republics of Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan with the main objective of developing policies and programs aimed at widening and deepening co-operation among the Partner States. In particular, Article 5 (1) of the Treaty states the objectives of the Community as: “to develop policies and programs aimed at widening and deepening co-operation among the Partner States in political, economic, social and cultural fields, research and technology, defense, security and legal and judicial affairs, for their mutual benefit”.

The EAC Treaty also provides an elaborate legal framework for cooperation in the areas of science and technology. In order to strengthen cooperation, coordination and promotion of Science and Technology in the EAC, the 5th Extra-ordinary Summit of the EAC Heads of State held on 18th June 2007 established the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) as an institution of the EAC, with an overall objective to coordinate and promote the development, management and application of Science
and Technology in Partner States.

Furthermore, at Country level the EAC Partner States have enacted laws and/or developed national STI policies to support the development of research capacity, human resources and talent, develop and sustain a network of scientists, support the growth in the use of ICT, develop institutional capacity and improve linkages with the private sector. In addition to policies, the Partner States have established national commissions/councils for science, technology and innovation to undertake the promotion,
regulation, assure the quality and advise the governments on matters of science, technology and innovation.

However, the implementation of national STI policies is at varying stages in the EAC Partner States. Some of the key challenges hampering the development and implementation of effective STI policies in EAC Partner States are among others weak human and institutional capacity for STI development; inadequate support mechanisms for innovation; inadequate funds; lack of up-to-date, reliable data and indicators on the current status of STI. This has resulted in weak and non-direct linkages for science, technology and innovation to support societal needs and economic growth.

Thus, this East African Regional Policy for Science, Technology and Innovation aims at setting policy objectives for the development, management and application of Science, Technology and Innovation to support socioeconomic development and regional integration in the EAC.

II. Vision for the EAC and Vision and Mission of STI

Vision of EAC– To become a globally competitive upper-middle income region with a high quality of life for its population based on the principles of inclusiveness and accountability.
Vision of EAC STI Policy – An Integrated, advanced and competitive Community through knowledge based economy.
Mission of EAC STI Policy – To harness Science, Technology and Innovation for sustainable regional development, socio-economic transformation and global competitiveness.

III. EAC STI Pillars and Priorities
The East African Regional STI Policy is anchored on the following pillars: i) STI Capacity Skills and Infrastructure; ii) Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; iii) Financing, partnerships and collaborations; and iv) Enabling environment. On the other hand, the priority (sector) areas for the East African Regional Policy for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) are: (1) Agriculture and Food; (2) Health and Life Sciences; (3) Human Capital Development; (4) Infrastructure; (5) Energy; (6) ICT and Big Data (7) Industrialization and Trade; (8) Environment, Natural Resources Management and Blue Economy management; (9) Climate Change; (10) Traditional Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Expressions; and (11) Space Science and Technology.

IV. EAC STI Policy Layout
The EAC STI Policy document is divided into 5 chapters:

a. Chapter 1: Introduction. This covers the introduction, background, global and continental
environment for STI, rationale, situation analysis, environmental scan, review of legal framework
for STI, emerging issues and identified challenges.
b. Chapter 2: Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles, STI Policy Objectives, Pillars and Development Priority Sectors. The chapter covers the EAC vision and mission for STI, the EAC STI Policy objectives, guiding principles, Pillars and EAC priority sectors for STI and the corresponding strategic policy objectives.

c. Chapter 3: East African Innovation Ecosystem. This chapter covers the national innovation system, EAC innovation ecosystem, policy support measures/ priorities to improve S&T led innovation in EAC, 4th industrial revolution and management of intellectual; property rights.

d. Chapter 4: Policy Implementation System. This covers the regional harmonized STI platform, EAC decision making and implementing institutions for the EAC STI Policy; implementation mechanisms; regional, continental and international collaborations; strategies for implementation of the EAC STI Policy and promoting a culture for STI. The chapter also covers sections on Partner
States efforts in financing STI, private sector financing for STI development and application, EAC Research and Innovation Fund, African STI Fund, Development Partners/ Donors contribution to STI development and application, and NGOs and other stakeholders’ contribution to STI development and application. This chapter concludes with a section on communication and outreach tools for the EAC STI Policy and knowledge management for STI

e. Chapter 5: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E Framework). This covers M&E implementation plan, measuring the performance of STI and STI indicators, Risk and Success Factors and Risk Mitigation Measures.

The EAC Heads of State committed themselves to implement the EAC Vision 2050 for the mutual benefit of the Partner States and enhance the quality of life of the people of the East African Community. The East African Regional Policy for Science, Technology and Innovation has been developed to ensure that EAC harnesses science, technology and innovation (STI) for global competitiveness, socioeconomic transformation and sustainable regional development.

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