The treaty that established the East African Community recognizes science and technology as a key driver for sustainable socio-economic development. As a result, the 5th Extra-ordinary Summit of the EAC Heads of State, held in June 2007, established the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) as an institution of the EAC, mandated to coordinate and promote the development, management and application of science and technology in Partner States to support regional integration and socio-economic development. The formulation of the regional innovation and technology transfer strategy is aimed at contributing to the objectives of EASTECO. The strategy is purposed to catalyse industrial innovation and related outputs, strengthen technology and knowledge transfer, enhance knowledge creation, build effective partnerships, and improve technology management and protection.
The development of this East African Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer Strategy (EARITTS) was stakeholders driven and was undertaken through a six-steps process. This included documenting the status of innovation and technology transfer in the region, mapping of the key stakeholders involved in the East African Innovation Ecosystem, field data collection, preparation of a draft strategy, regional validation of the strategy and preparation of a comprehensive strategy implementation plan.
The situation analysis identified strengths and gaps in the region’s innovation and technology transfer ecosystem anchored on eleven (11) objectives, which have informed the EAC regional innovation and technology transfer strategy. The vision, mission, and strategic objectives are as follows:
An Innovation Driven Regional Economic Transformation
To accelerate the realization of regional economic transformation through strengthening of innovation and technology transfer at sub-national, national, and regional levels.