
We are the EAC institution mandated to promote and coordinate the development, management and application of science, technology and innovation (STI) activities in the region


The 5th Extra ordinary summit of the East African Community (EAC) Heads of State held on 18th June 2007 established the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) as an institution of the EAC.

This was in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaty on the Establishment of the East African Community as set out in Chapter 16, Article 103 (a), where the Partner States undertook to promote cooperation in the development of science and technology within the community, and as per Article 3 of the Protocol on the establishment of the East African Science and Technology Commission.

Our Vision
To contribute to a prosperous, competitive, secure and united East Africa through collaboration in science, technology and innovation.
Our Mission
To promote and coordinate the development, management and application of science and technology to support regional integration and socio-economic development.
Our Mandate
EASTECO mandate is to promote and coordinate the development,Management and application of Science and Technology to support regional integration and socio-economic development.

The specific objectives of EASTECO are: